
I enjoy making sketchnotes of talks, workshops and tutorials I attend. The sketchnotes are made live, on paper, and within the timeframe of the talk. I share the sketchnotes on my twitter account directly after finishing them. I started live-sketchnoting in October 2017 at TestBash Manchester. In November, I spoke at EuroSTAR and Agile Testing Days and continued my sketchnoting journey. In February 2018, I was invited to sketchnote the European Testing Conference. On this page I keep a collection of my sketchnotes (I need to find some time to update this page with all the 400+ sketchnotes made since February 2018… Please see my twitter account for more recent work).

Interested in having me speak or sketchnote at your event? Contact me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Interested in having me provide a Sketchnote Workshop at your company or event? Contact me on Twitter or LinkedIn.