It’s tradition to go out with a bang! We achieved something extraordinary: we wrote our stories. Now, it might be in first draft & still need a lot of work. It might not be finished yet or polished, but it *exists* and that is enough for now. Today: we celebrate all we DID do. We have cheered each other on, perhaps we read extracts from each other, perhaps we did sprints together or shared wordcounts and hurdles. We might have gone at this alone or with the entire community at our backs: we are here & we wrote! It’s the giddyness of creation. Of creating something out of words and making it near tangible.
So: let’s dance! Let’s pop that champagne! Blow up those balloons & strings. Print out your novel and make it real for yourself: you did this. You wrote all these words – however many you wrote. Today is for partying. For the relief of being done with NaNo 2022. November is over. December is for resting, for recouping and for celebrating and our myriad of holidays that are coming up. Traditionally, from January, the Now What? Months of revision and editing begin and then Camp NaNo is not far around the corner. I wish everyone a blast in taking their stories to the next level (if desired) and encourage you to keep creating in the broadest sense of the word.
I myself have enjoyed the experience of creating these cartoons and these accompanying texts for you all. I have loved reading each and every response. For me, it’s now time to take my leave and dedicate my NaNo energies to my other two Rebel projects that are clamouring for attention. It has been my pleasure and my joy.
If you have enjoyed these cartoons, if they helped you in any way or brought you a smile: I would love love love to hear from you. (For any future readers: this will still apply. I come from an older age of the internet where it doesn’t matter when something was posted: responses are still welcomed. We interact with literature written literally millenia ago. I’ll still be happy to read a response even if you are reading this much much later than I am currently writing. 🙂 ).
Thank you all & good night! Let’s celebrate.