
Interested in having me speak or sketchnote at your event? Contact me on LinkedIn


Influencing Without Power: Lessons from Life, Art and Literature (Agile Testing Days Germany 2019)

Wearing Hermione’s Hat: Narratology for Testers (NL Testdag – Eindhoven 2018)

Workshops | Tutorials

Facilitation: Enabling Team Communication & Driving Change (Agile Testing Days Germany 2023)

Teken Mee: Quality Engineering in je Team (workshop with Eveline Moolenaars at TestNet Voorjaarsevenement 2023)

Draw It: Facilitating Quality Engineering in Your Team (digital workshop) with Eveline Moolenaars (Sogeti’s QX Day 2020)

Upskill Your Softskills: Communication in Your Team (Sogeti’s QX Day 2019)

Sketchnoting Adventures: Improve Your Notetaking Skills (Agile Testing Days Germany 2018)

Multidisciplinaire Visualisatie: Laat Zien Wat Je Bedoelt (workshop) (Multidisciplinary Visualisation: Show What You Mean) with Eveline Moolenaars (Sogeti’s QX Day 2019)

Visualisatie voor Testende Teams with Eveline Moolenaars (Sogeti’s QX Day 2018)

TestSphere: The Ultimate Testing Story Challenge (Sogeti’s Testival 2018)

Building the Roadmap to Your Testing Future with Rick Tracy (TestBash Manchester 2017, TestNet 2017)


Panel Speaker – Scottish Testing Group – Women in Testing Panel (Online – March 2021)

Panel Facilitator at Sogeti Zuid 2020

Panel Facilitator and Lighting Talks Host at Sogeti’s Q-Meets Agile Quality Improvement.(Vianen 2019)

Agile Unicorn Talks Organizer & Facilitator (Agile Testing Days Germany 2018)

Rabobank’s GoForIT 24h Innovation Challenge 2017 (Utrecht, London & Brazil Offices) (Organizer)


Embracing Whole Team Quality: Making Myself Obsolete (TestNet Voorjaarsevenement 2023, Agile Testing Days Germany 2023).

Sketchnoting Adventures: Improve Your Notetaking Skills (Leeds Testing Atelier 2023)

BI Testing (Sogeti’s Testing Thursday Presentation) with Sven Vos and Jan Willem Huibregtsen (April 2021)

Upskill Your Soft Skills: Enabling Team Communication (Sogeti’s QX Day 2020)

Agile Testing (Sogeti Zuid – Maastricht 2020)

The Power of “Not Yet” (Capgemini’s Testjam 2019, Agile Testing Days Germany 2018)

Tester Who? (Agile Unicorn Talk) (Agile Testing Days 2018)

Wearing Hermione’s Hat: Narratology for Testers (WeTest New Zealand 2018, CAST United States 2018, Agile Testing Days Germany 2017)

Encouraging Engagement – Changing Our Work Culture (TestBash NL 2018)

Self-Organizing the 24h GoForIT Innovation Challenge (UKSTAR, London 2018)

Asking ‘Else’ – A Tester’s Magic Word (EuroSTAR Copenhagen 2017, Polish Testing Cup 2017)

Moving from Tester to Software Engineer – Changing Our Work Culture (Romanian Testing Conferenc – Cluj 2017, UKSTAR 2017 – London)  

Use Your Logic to Automate and Validate Your Test Analysis (TestNet 2017)

Peer Conferences

Exploratory Testing Workshop (Valencia, Spain 2019)

BREWT1 (Ghent, Belgium 2017)

Dutch Exploratory Workshop on Testing (DEWT 7 – NL 2017; DEWT10 – NL 2023)


Quality Coaching Trends en Practical Examples (SogetiLabs webinar with Eveline Moolenaars & Emna Ayadi- 2023)

Storytelling & Narratology for Software Testers (Ministry of Testing – Online 2019)


I had the great pleasure of being a guest on the SuperTestingBros (with the Ministry of Testing) podcast trice:

Career Mapping & Accessibility with Marianne Duijst, Rick Tracy and James Sheasby Thomas (2017)

Improving Office Culture: with Marianne Duijst & Rick Tracy (2018)

Life & Leadership with Marianne Duijst & Selena Delesie (2018)

Visual Historian

European Testing Conference – Visual Historian (Amsterdam 2018, Valencia 2019, Amsterdam 2020)