Today is the final day! The last day to write your words and still have them count for your NaNo 2022 project. I have seen many of us come up from behind the last few days, get that final wind and get within a hair of the finish line now. There is still time to get that purple winner’s bar and reach your 50000 words. When you are struggling, know we are here to cheer you on! You can do it!

Tonight: take a moment and feel it down to your bones. You set yourself this task and you faced it down. You are still here at the end of the month. NaNoWriMo is about setting yourself a challenge. It is about succeeding in the extraordinary by attempting something as foolhardy as writing a novel, and something as mundane as creating a daily habit of writing. It requires bravery, persistence, determination and grit. And by still being here, by still writing away till the clock runs out – you are a winner (regardless of purple bar status).
Let’s celebrate together tomorrow! For now: let’s cheer on anyone who is still writing, who is still pushing on & help eachother through this final glorious day! We can do it!